“Sir, why don’t you buy karpooravalli bananas? They are ripe. Only sixty rupees per dozen,” invited Rajeshwari, the vendor, as I was passing by her cart. “What do I do with a dozen? Leave them to God?” “Same dialogue everyday Sir. Ok, here, take half dozen and give me twenty-five rupees.” I bought them and went into Jeevan Super Market to make some more purchases. I knew Rajeshwari well, as she worked in my house in the morning, washing utensils, brooming and mopping the floors and helping my wife with certain small kitchen chores before leaving for her next assignment. In the evening, she parked her handcart with bananas in front of Jeevan Super Market and vended the fruits. An enterprising woman in her early forties, her elder son was studying engineering, second son in BCA and her was daughter in high school. All of them were studious, receiving state government scholarships. I passed by her cart two days later, again in the evening. She beckoned me, “Sir, try this r...